Foster team work through preparing lunch together. Explore new recipes and seasonal products.

Description of the activity

Volunteers and participants use the house kitchen to prepare a group lunch.


Cooking and prep skills, team work, being open to alternative methods of cookery than the ones people are used to, working with seasonal produce.

Steps for the implementation of the activity

Agree at the start of the session who will be cooking, what they will cook, and who will do the washing up

Clarify any dietary requirements

Support the cooks throughout the session

Ensure there is a sufficient amount of plates, bowls and cutler

Clear a space for everyone to eat together

Bring everyone together to eat

Thank the cooks and wash up

Materials and methods

Kitchen, fridge, kitchen implements.

Materials and human resources:
Volunteer cooks, staple foods, herbs and spices, produce from garden.

Time to show people around, tell them where things are stored in the garden, and time to gather produce.

Basic ingredients, gas, oil, electricity, water, additional ingredients. People often bring their own ingredients, which helps keep costs low!

Learning outcomes for the participants

Participants learn cooking skills, new recipes, patience, open mindedness and cooperation with others. The activity also helps people develop self-confidence and social skills through having to work together as a team, a process that can also help with language skills and understanding other cultures.